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10 Self Care Ideas for the Spring

Although it might not feel like it, it’s spring already. Now is the right time to make a resolution when it comes to your self-care practice. Like making sure you wear sunblock, shaving your legs, making sure you schedule some me-time.


Although it might not feel like it, it’s spring already. Now is the right time to make a resolution when it comes to your self-care practice. Like making sure you wear sunblock, shaving your legs, making sure you schedule some me-time.

Here are a few great self-care ideas for the spring:

  1. Set one goal you want to achieve by Summer. Extra point if it helps you reach one of that huge, life-changing, big dreams, and goals. If you can just take one step – you’re that much closer.
  2. Create a playlist of uplifting, spring music that makes you want to dance like no one is watching! You can make one in Spotify.
  3. Do something physical outside in the spring sunshine. Join outdoor yoga classes, go on a walk n your city, or simply mow the grass.
  4. Air out your living space and let the sun in. It’s the perfect time in the year to clean your space and have a good old declutter. Open the windows, hang your blankets in the sun, and bask in the smell of the sunshine.
  5. Buy some flowers for yourself. Always stock up on flowers, because flowers make everything better!
  6. Schedule a coffee date with an old friend. There’s nothing better than meeting your friends. Spring is the perfect time to do it.
  7. Start a new book. Reading will not only improve your brain health but will help to spark your creativity. Go to your local library and pick up a light and fun to get lost in!
  8. Go on a nature walk and snap photos of the beauty of nature re-emerging.
  9. Take a bath. Bath time is one of my absolute favorite self-care activities. Why not spruce up your bath time and add a touch of spring with some beautiful flower petals!
  10. Go easier on yourself. Make this your new beginning for loving yourself more gently and compassionately. You’re doing the best you can, remember that.

Ur Daily Seek