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3 Dangerous Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner

Have you ever regretted saying something rude during an argument, or sharing a “helpful” comment that’s more of criticism. There’s plenty of phrases that you should never say to your partner.


Have you ever regretted saying something rude during an argument, or sharing a “helpful” comment that’s more of criticism. There’s plenty of phrases that you should never say to your partner.

However, that doesn’t mean keeping your feelings inside or bottled up. One of the signs of a healthy relationship is sharing and communication. You just need to be careful of the way you phrase your words.

Even at your angriest, avoid these words and phrases at all costs.


“I don’t care..”

The moment you stop caring about what your lover has to say or verbally admitting it to them, it shuts them off completely from wanting to confide in you. This is the last thing you want to happen in your relationship.

“You’re always or You’re never…”

In the heat of it, you say it. I do it, we all do it.
Sometimes our emotions take over, and we end up not only erasing everything the other person has ever done that is good or right but also makes them feel hopeless. Instead of being too extreme, focus on specific situations and scenarios.

“I hate you…”

Even if you don’t mean, don’t let the H-word slip out. It’s not only hurtful but also disrespectful. Always remember that things said out of anger cannot be unsaid.


Ur Daily Seek