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4 Tips To Help You Deal With Irregular Periods

It’s hard enough having to put up with your period every month, but it’s even worse if your period arrives unannounced. Here are four tips that could help you out.


It’s hard enough having to put up with your period every month, but it’s even worse if your period arrives unannounced. Here are four tips that could help you out.

Carry a tampon in your handbag


If you have an irregular period, then you need to always be prepared. Whether you use tampons or pads, make sure you always have one or two in your handbag.

Reduce stress

Of course, this is easier said than done, but try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. It is scientifically proven that stress causes hormonal imbalance.
When it is not possible to avoid stress, try doing activities that limit the impact it has on the body.


Meditating for some time daily will calm your mind and will maintain a positive outlook.

  • To try meditation:
  • find a quiet place to sit
  • sit up straight, with arms relaxed and hands-on knees
  • breath in and out deeply
  • focus on the sound of the breath
  • listen in to other surrounding sounds
  • acknowledge thoughts as they occur but then let them go

At first, try meditating for just a few minutes and increase the time by a minute each day.

Lose or gain weight

Extreme weight loss or weight gain can be damaging to your overall health, including your menstrual cycle.
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for reproductive health. Eating a healthful, calorie-controlled diet, and exercising regularly may help a person manage their weight.


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