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7 Things Men Don’t Understand About Women

There is a lot that men just can’t understand about women. Sometimes, men just assume a girl likes something when she hates it. Read on! And if you happen to be male, you might want to take notes.


There is a lot that men just can’t understand about women. Sometimes, men just assume a girl likes something when she hates it. Read on! And if you happen to be male, you might want to take notes.


Say we’re “fine,” when we’re really not fine.

Sometimes she just doesn’t want to cause any more problems by saying that there is something wrong. So, saying, “I’m fine,” helps leave things alone and move things forward.

Girls going to the bathroom together.

Yeah, this may seem pretty weird. But girls like to gossip while in the bathroom. And being in the bathroom is the only place safe from any guys. Enough said.

That we need this many pillows on our couch/bed.

I’m sorry but I love being cozy. Why do you not like being cozy? Are you OK?

Wear our highest heels on a date, then complain all night about how badly our feet hurt.

Dear all men everywhere: here’s why we do this. We wear shoes because they look beautiful; we complain because they hurt. These two behaviors are not mutually exclusive. We hate to be the ones to break it to you, but this will probably never change.


How women remember every little detail even if it’s been a few years.

What if something important happens? That detail can be very helpful even years later. Especially when it comes to anniversaries, birthdays, and other significant dates. We can’t forget those. Ever.

The difference between leggings, pantyhose, and tights.

Nothing makes me laugh more than a guy calling leggings “tights.” Nothing.

How a girl can stand to go shopping for an entire day.

We all need something that we love to do. An activity that helps us keep our minds off certain things. Well, shopping just happens to be a girl’s best friend.

Why they have so much stuff in their purse.

Because a girl can never be too prepared for an emergency. What if someone needs a pen? A band-aid? Some lotion? Well, a girl is ready and packed for anything.


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