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1- Don’t buy all the latest trendy clothes.

I’m not saying you can’t have any. If you absolutely love a certain trend,
allow yourself two or three of those items, but no more! In a year from now you very likely won’t even like it anymore.

2- Get your beauty sleep.

Let’s get scientific here. Skin makes collagen when you sleep, which
makes the skin plumper and therefore less prone to wrinkles.
Sleep also boosts the blood flow to your skin which gives you that good
healthy glow everyone wants. From that increased blood flow, hair follicles get extra nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, therefore making your hair a wee bit healthier and not as prone to breakage.
So, if that doesn’t make you want to get your good 7–9 hours of snoozing
per night, I don’t know what will.

3- Dress for occasions.

However much you might want to show up in your pajamas to everything, there are specific things you should wear to certain events that are unspoken rules.
Funerals: As a rule of thumb you should wear a dark color such as black or navy.
Weddings: Wear anything that is dressy. Never wear anything ripped or
day-old clothing. And never wear white (unless you are the one getting
married of course.)
Job Interviews: Before the interview, figure out what the employees there normally wear, and then dress a little dressier than that.

4- Care about your appearance.

Appearance is not everything. But it is very important. Dress to put
whatever impression you wish to make on a person. People say not to judge a book by its cover, but people do just that. So make your cover presentable.

5- Fashion is not always frivolous.

You will be recognized for what you wear. My husband knows that when I see someone walking around in Walmart in their pajamas it makes me so sad.
Think about this: if you see a person in public with sweatpants, messy
hair, and a crumpled T-shirt, your first thought is not that this person might be your dentist or tax person. Your first instinct is that you should avoid them and forget about them immediately.
Now, if you would see the same person in nice clothes that fit perfectly
and neat hair, you instantly have a certain level of respect for that person, just because they look clean and tidy.

6- Simplify your wardrobe.

You don’t need 200 articles of clothing. Purge your closet.
When you have less clothing items you won’t have to take a long time in
front of the closet trying to figure out what you want to wear.
Figure out what style you like best and what suits you best and what you actually wear the most and don’t buy things that don’t fit in those categories.

7- Don’t buy any clothes you don’t love.

Make sure that you are really loving a piece of clothing before you buy it.
Invest in items that you know will make a staple piece in your

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