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8 TIPS that will help you PROGRESS in your CAREER

1- When working, no time is wasted.

Put your best foot forward and put down this book for a few hours. Go
get something done. Create. Go do things and put them out there and let your work be available to become known.

2- Give your current job your all. Don’t slack. If you hate it, why are you there?

Looking back on one of the jobs I had as a writer and editor, I can see so
many places where I could’ve made it so much more of an enjoyable
experience for myself. Because I was so disorganized and didn’t plan my time wisely, I was almost constantly stressed out because of the deadlines that kept popping up and impending tasks that I hadn’t even started and didn’t know where to start.
Even though I love writing, it was so hard for me to want to go to work
simply because I wasn’t well-organized. If you are struggling to enjoy your job, take a look at why it is that you aren’t enjoying it. If it bores you, have you actually tried to learn more about what you are doing? Learn everything you can about your job and if you haven’t gained some level of interest in it, consider looking for a new line of work. Sometimes a change of career can be good.

3- Knowledge will almost always help you. LEARN.

I’ve never met a single person who said they want to stop learning. As
humans, we never stop learning. You should always be striving to learn a new thing, be it a new language or a new skill.. There is a wealth of
knowledge right at your fingertips. Attend a class, read a book or article,
watch a documentary—there are so many ways to be getting information that can help you change your life, yet most people ignore this and go through their lives completely living in the moment, never planning on what could be ahead and wasting time simply being too lazy to learn.
The truth is if you are dedicated enough, you can learn to do almost
anything you set your mind to.

4- The most successful people have experienced failure.

Along with learning goes the fact that you will fail. Failing is a crucial
part of learning. Without the mistakes and rough patches, how would you know what not to do? Don’t become discouraged when you hit a rough patch and things aren’t going so hot. Chin up and try something else until it works.
There were many things that were invented accidentally such as the
microwave, super glue and so much more. Were these failures? Absolutely not!
My point is, never give up. There is much to learn from failures.

5- “But I have no education. I don’t know how.”

Please stop. Just don’t.
ANYTHING that you want to do can be learned on the internet. Go
Google it. You have absolutely no excuse for not doing something you
always dreamed of because you “don’t know how.” You can have many
excuses but that one should not be in your vocabulary.
The day I learned how to drive a manual car was because there was no
one else that was able to pick up my brothers from school and no other car to use.

6- Learn to manage your time well.

We all have been that person who has said, “I’ve just been so busy this
summer,” or month, or week. We’ve all been there. I already caught myself saying that I had such a busy week and suddenly I stopped and thought a bit and said, “No, actually I really wasn’t that busy.” I watched at least 5 episodes of my favorite show on Netflix. The truth is we really aren’t as busy as we make it feel. If we are so busy and rushing around constantly, chances are we have not prioritized our time well enough ahead of schedule and planned out our time and prioritized the tasks we had to do. We don’t have to say yes to everything. In fact, every time you say yes to something, you are saying no to all the other things you could be doing in that time.
If you sleep 8 hours per night sleeping and work 60 hours a week, that
leaves you 52 hours that are spent doing other things. Recognize what those other things are and use those hours in the way that is best for your life and the lives of those around you.

7- Don’t base your career choice off of your passions.

First, understand what passion is. Passion is a feeling. Passion grows out
of what you focus on. Your passion is something that can grow out of so
many things! Don’t waste your time waiting on the perfect job or your dream career. Look around you at what needs to be done the most and do it. Be useful and help others and your passion will plant itself in that path.

8- Build good relationships with your co-workers.

There is literally no downside to having good relationships with your coworkers. Be courteous, be kind, be considerate.
When you have good relationships with your co-workers there are so
many positive things that can come out of it.

Ur Daily Seek