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1- Cheer someone up. Send someone flowers. Give someone a hug. Bake someone cupcakes.

Making someone else happy gives you a satisfaction that the receiver
won’t have.
Of course, there’s always the fact that you will be making someone else’s

2- Take a look at yourself through someone else’s eyes.

Take an objective look at yourself. Think about running into yourself at
the local café, or how you act around friends. Look at yourself as other
people would. Is it good? Is it bad? Sometimes it’s easy to overlook our own problems and see other people’s flaws while we might actually have the same problems ourselves.

3- Keep a healthy social life.

Keeping a healthy social life is actually very productive. Without other
people, you could literally not go anywhere. Humans thrive on other people.

4- Be aware of people around you. Acknowledge them.

This could be anything. Smile and greet the cashier at the grocery store.
Thank the waitress for being a good server (and PLEASE leave a tip). Let
people know you appreciate them. This might seem weird if you don’t know the person, but everybody likes to be acknowledged and shown appreciation.

5- Moms, you have influence over your children’s lives like no one else will ever have.

Once you are gone, they will be the ones taking your place, doing the
things you taught them to do. You have a more important role than almost anyone else in the world, and your children will remember what you taught them by how you live your life.

6- Learn to be charismatic.

Having people skills is one of the most important things to learn to
develop if you want to be a successful person in life.
Who do you know that is charismatic? Why is it that everyone seems to
enjoy being around that person? Some common traits that charismatic people possess include: being good at listening, being confident and yet humble, and know how to communicate effectively.

7- Don’t neglect your friendships.

Keep healthy relationships with your friends, and whatever you do, don’t burn bridges. You never know if a person that you’ve known half of your life could help you out in future endeavors. Friends are a very important aspect of life. Be a friend to everyone and you will never be without a friend.
Also don’t be the person who can’t remember a name. If you meet a new person, learn as much as you can about him or her. Stay in touch with people and make yourself a valued person in other people’s lives.

8- Gossiping is bad for everyone.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt that someone was just talking about you? It’s not a good feeling. So why do it to others?
Talking bad about someone with another person only shows your own
weaknesses. Lots of people do it in an attempt to make the other people like them more. But it will only lessen others’ respect for you in their
subconscious, and also make you feel bad about yourself later.

9- Respect your husband.

For those of you who are married or in a relationship, respect your
husbands and boyfriends.
Women crave to be loved and cared for. In that same way, men crave to
be respected. Men and women are wired very differently and sometimes it is so easy to let our inner boss babe out as a bossy babe. Never put down your husband. Always build him up with kind words and be the most amazing help-meet you can be.
When a husband and wife team work together on something it is amazing what they can accomplish. It’s a real blessing to be able to work together because with the two completely different mindsets your horizon as a couple is so much more broad than just on your own.

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