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The Best Yogi Accounts On Instagram For At-Home Practice

The truth is that yoga is for everyone ― no matter your size, age or religious preference. Don’t believe us? Scroll through our favorite yoga Instagram accounts. They’ll inspire you to hit the mat and reap the health benefits of the practice.


Maybe you’re already into yoga. Maybe you think it’s not your style.

The truth is that yoga is for everyone ― no matter your size, age or religious preference. Don’t believe us? Scroll through our favorite yoga Instagram accounts. They’ll inspire you to hit the mat and reap the health benefits of the practice.

Check out the list below:

Colleen Saidman Yee

Colleen Saidman Yee is an author and international yoga instructor. Designer Donna Karan tapped her and her husband Rodney Yee to help create the Urban Zen’s Integrative Yoga Therapist Program, which brings yoga and eastern healing techniques to hospital patients in the United States.


Caitlin Turner

Caitlin Turner of Gypset Goddess is one of our favorite fun-loving globetrotters. Her Instagram account takes yoga off the mat and onto mountaintops, beaches, landmarks and other unlikely places around the world. We firmly believe that both travel and Yoga make the world a better place—if you can combine the two, then all the better!

Derrick “DJ” Townsel

DJ Townsel, also known by the hashtag #RastaYogi on social media, is a former NFL athlete who is now a certified personal trainer and a yoga instructor in Florida. Townsel’s mission is to be “an inspiration to thousands who didn’t think a passion for fitness or yoga could be a possibility for them, mainly men and people of color,” according to his blog.

Koya Webb

Webb is a health and fitness coach who provides different yoga poses next to inspirational passages on her account, @koyawebb.


No compilation of yoga Instagrammers would be complete without Honza and Claudine. This stunning couple share equally stunning AcroYoga shots, where one partner typically serves as the foundation while the other seemingly soar overhead. We admire their mission to build trust and community within the yoga world, as well as their graceful power.


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